(Carta Maior) - Membros das forças armadas da ilha caribenha, hastearam, esta semana, orgulhosamente, sob aplausos e apupos, pela primeira vez em quase 60 anos, a bandeira da República de Cuba, no mastro frontal de sua nova embaixada em Washington, a capital dos Estados Unidos.
Sem ter o que dizer diante da transcendência - histórica - do fato, os hitlernautas que infestam a internet brasileira, com sua deslustrosa ignorância e seu anticomunismo tosco- tão sutil e tresloucado quanto um paquiderme, ensandecido, solto em um salão de chá - desenvolveram, como fizeram há alguns anos a respeito de Pequim com relação ao capitalismo, a retorcida tese de que Cuba estaria se rendendo aos EUA.
Nem Cuba se rendeu aos EUA, nem a China ao capitalismo.
Tanto é que, hoje, os quatro maiores bancos do mundo, segundo a lista da Forbes deste ano, não são privados, mas sim, estatais, - e chineses - e o milenar "Império do Meio", sem deixar de ser oficialmente um país socialista, se transformou na maior plataforma industrial do mundo e está prestes a arrebatar dos próprios EUA o posto de primeira economia do planeta.
Outra linha de ação da florescente frente antinacional cibernética, é a de dizer que, ao construir o novo Porto de Mariel e sua Zona Especial de Desenvolvimento, em Cuba, o Brasil deixou de investir aqui dentro e fez a cama para que os EUA nela se deitassem.
Em primeiro lugar, em benefício, principalmente, da verdade, é preciso dizer que se o BNDES financia obras no exterior - minoritariamente, lembremos, como é o caso do conjunto de contratos internacionais da Odebrecht - para apoiar a exportação de serviços e produtos nacionais - inclusive para os EUA - ele também o faz no Brasil.
E tanto o faz por aqui, que, por mais que se tente ocultar, já foram ou estão sendo construídos - entre obras de “pequeno” porte, como milhões de casas populares - superportos como o de Açu, gigantescas usinas hidrelétricas, como Santo Antônio, Jirau e Belo Monte - a terceira maior do mundo - bases de submarinos - grandes - depois de décadas sem fazê-lo - refinarias de petróleo, pontes incríveis, em sua engenharia e arquitetura, como a recentemente inaugurada Anita Garibaldi, em Laguna, Santa Catarina, ou a que se estende, majestosa, sobre o Rio Negro, em Manaus, no Amazonas, a Transposição do São Francisco, além de milhares de quilômetros de rodovias que estão sendo duplicadas, "novos" aeroportos, como o de Brasília, acessos e entrocamentos ferroviários - ampliados e duplicados - como o que a Vale inaugurou na Grande Belo Horizonte na última semana.
E em segundo lugar, porque quem vai comandar Mariel - por força de licitação internacional - não é uma empresa brasileira - e nem poderia, já que com certeza qualquer empresa nacional que o fizesse estaria sendo vilipendiada e acusada de todo tipo de crime agora - nem muito menos norte-americana, mas, em um exemplo a mais de que a internacionalização da economia cubana vem de muito antes da reaproximação com os Estados Unidos, do distante arquipélago de Singapura.
Na verdade - e não há, como vemos, nenhuma contradição econômica ou estratégica nisso, o Brasil está sendo muito mais relevante para Cuba para a revitalização de sua agricultura, com a introdução da soja - e os cultivares da EMBRAPA - e da mecanização (exportação de implementos) e da sua indústria açucareira e o do tabaco.
E, se formos dar ouvidos aos comentários que enchem as páginas da internet, parece que está fazendo isso por meio de empresas famosas por seu "marxismo-leninismo" como a Souza Cruz, uma companhia controlada - pelos padrões dos fascistas brasileiros de ocasião - pela "bolivarianíssima" e "comunistíssima" British American Tobacco Company, a maior multinacional tabaqueira do mundo, que fabrica um em cada oito cigarros fumados no planeta, dona de 50% da Brascuba, uma empresa binacional, teoricamente cubano-brasileira, que produz a maioria dos cigarros consumidos na ilha e os famosos charutos COHIBA.
Cuba não precisa se aproximar dos EUA para "abrir" sua economia, embora possa, com certeza, expandir suas possibilidades, se vier a ter acesso ao maior mercado do mundo, localizado a escassas milhas de distância.
A ilha já recebe - sem mudar o seu sistema de governo - mais de 3 milhões de turistas estrangeiros por ano. Há dezenas de cadeias hoteleiras de capital espanhol e italiano em Cuba, e a presença parcial - e o interesse - do capital estrangeiro, não necessariamente dos EUA - que deve estabelecer parcerias com o governo para se estabelecer na ilha - é tão importante, que na XXXIII Edição da FIHAV, a Feira Internacional de Havana, do ano passado, compareceram 4.500 expositores de mais de 60 países — aproximadamente 90% deles ocidentais — para a exposição, pelo governo cubano a grandes investidores, de 271 diferentes projetos de infra-estrutura, com investimento previsto de mais de 8 bilhões de dólares.
Isso, poucas semanas depois que 188 países tivessem condenado, em votação na ONU, o bloqueio dos Estados Unidos contra Cuba, exigindo pela enésima vez o fim do embargo.
Foi essa pressão diplomática, a crescente presença dos BRICS - especialmente do Brasil, da Rússia e da China - em Cuba, e a evidência de que se não tomassem a mesma atitude da grande maioria das nações, estariam se tornando cada vez mais ridículos aos olhos do mundo, que fez com que os EUA reatassem as relações diplomáticas com a ilha, e que a bandeira cubana tenha sido orgulhosamente hasteada, esta semana, em sua nova embaixada na capital norte-americana.
Da mesma forma que o Brasil não construiu e financiou Mariel para ajudar o regime cubano, e nem mesmo porque acredita - até mesmo porque vem conversando há anos com os EUA sobre isso - que o fim do bloqueio está cada vez mais próximo.
Mas, principalmente, porque esse porto, beneficiado por uma localização geográfica única, e a profundidade de suas águas, será o mais importante e moderno entreposto de containers a funcionar na boca do novo Canal do Panamá e do futuro Canal da Nicarágua, em instalação pela China, funcionando como o principal, quase obrigatório, centro de transbordo e distribuição de produtos embarcados na Europa, no Extremo Oriente e nas costas atlânticas da África e das Américas, ou que estejam sendo transportados para esses destinos.
Uma localização que será, essencial, também, para a instalação de negócios brasileiros na Zona de Desenvolvimento de Mariel. Empresas que estão interessadas em "maquiar", por meio do aproveitamento de um excelente - devido ao câmbio - custo de mão de obra cubana (extremamente bem formada graças ao ensino universal gratuito (do berço à universidade), produtos de consumo fabricados no Brasil. Levando para a ilha insumos e peças feitos majoritariamente em nosso país, por trabalhadores brasileiros, que, depois de terminados e embalados em Cuba, serão distribuídas, com maior eficiência logística e melhores preços, por meio do porto de Mariel, para o mundo todo, melhorando a competitividade de nossa indústria não apenas frente à China, mas também ao México, também com relação - depois do fim do bloqueio - ao vizinho mercado dos EUA.
O reatamento das relações diplomáticas entre Cuba e os Estados Unidos é mais uma evidência da emergência, possível, de um novo mundo, no qual a hegemonia europeia e norte-americana terá, obrigatoriamente, que dar lugar a um multilateralismo pragmático, com mais respeito pela soberania de grandes países como a Rússia, a China, a Índia, e o próprio Brasil, que se situam, na maioria dos quesitos geoestratégicos, entre as principais nações do mundo.
Neste novo mundo - mesmo mantendo suas rivalidades geopolíticas, econômicas e militares - deverá se perseguir, cada vez mais, o estabelecimento de um equilíbrio, também possível, no qual países com diferentes formas de governo e variadas abordagens ideológicas dos desafios que devem enfrentar, em benefício do desenvolvimento de seus respectivos povos, competirão em paz pela defesa de seus interesses, cooperando no lugar de apenas pressionar e respeitando - como o Brasil já faz há muito tempo, por força da Constituição - o princípio de não ingerência em assuntos internos de outras nações.
É isso que irrita os radicais antinacionais que pululam nas redes e portais da internet brasileira. Se, mais realistas que o rei, em sua patética subserviência aos Estados Unidos, e seu ridículo, anacrônico e baboso anticomunismo, eles estão indignados com o reatamento das relações diplomáticas entre Washington e Havana, chamando Barrack Obama de comunista sujo e de "burro" em seus comentários, imaginem o que fariam se a Alemanha e os EUA viessem a aderir ao BRICS, a aliança estratégica global dos países emergentes - com 17 trilhões de dólares de PIB - que a direita mais rançosa e certos grupos de comunicação brasileiros não perdem a oportunidade de execrar sempre que possível.
Por mais absurda que pareça, essa hipótese - independentemente das atuais considerações estratégicas de Pequim, Moscou, Brasília, Pretória e Nova Delhi - já está sendo aventada por
muita gente por aí.
O jornalista Greg Hunter, ex-ABC News, Good Morning America e CNN, do site USA Watchdog, diz que a Alemanha - levada, também, entre outros fatores, pela espionagem norte-americana da NSA - já estaria secretamente estudando a hipótese de entrar para o BRICS, o que abriria caminho para uma aliança com a Rússia, país que representa, hoje, paradoxalmente, não apenas a maior ameaça militar contra Berlim - em resposta ao cerco da OTAN contra Moscou patrocinado pelos EUA - mas também, a sua maior alternativa de expansão econômica rumo ao Leste, para além do espaço europeu. Esse é uma atitude que também levaria, segundo alguns comentaristas alemães, a uma maior independência do país mais importante da Europa com relação aos EUA, lembrando, o fato, cristalino, de que as únicas tropas estrangeiras que ainda estão ocupando o pais, desde 1945, já não são mais russas, mas Made in USA.
Há algumas semanas circula, também, nos Estados Unidos, patrocinada pelo controvertido jornalista norte-americano Lyndon LaRouche, uma petição internacional para que a União Europeia e os EUA - em benefício da paz - entrem para o BRICS, com assinaturas que vão de conservadores britânicos a roteiristas premiados e cientistas e professores universitários, cujos principais nomes, a título de curiosidade, coloco logo depois do final deste texto.
LaRouche lançou até mesmo um livro (foto) cujo título não é outro que: PORQUE OS ESTADOS UNIDOS DEVEM ENTRAR NOS BRICS - Uma nova ordem internacional para a Humanidade.
Nada - ao menos por enquanto - mais improvável. Mas com relação à reação - no duplo sentido - dos hitlernautas brasileiros, seria algo - caso viesse a ocorrer - como mostra a sua atitude frente à reabertura da embaixada cubana em Washington - muito engraçado de se ver.
United States
Rep. Rodney Alexander, former U.S. Congressman (Monroe, Louisiana)
George Albantov, Co-Founder, Vice President of the Russian-American Youth Association (Seattle, WA)
John Rich Anderson, Former Director, Texas and Southwest Cattle Ranchers Association (Gale, TX)
Konstantinos Angelis, Federationa of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
Litga Angelis, Federationa of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
Dr. Raymond Armstrong, Monroe City Council, District 1 (Monroe, LA)
Edward Asner, Actor (Valley Village, California)
Morad Abou-Sabe, Arab American League of Voters of NJ (Monroe, NJ)
Amer Aboud, Syrian American Forum (Chicago, Illinois)
Fidel Acevedo, Co-Chair, Progressive Hispanic Caucus, Texas Democratic Party (Texas)
Ramatu Ahmed, Founder, Federation of African Muslim Women in America (Bronx, NY)
Rev. Hector Arriaga, Pastor, Jesus es el Kryios Church (Alexandria, VA)
Syed Hossain Babu, Actor, Director, Screen Writer (Los Angeles, CA)
John D. Baker, MSG, United States Army (ret.), President, CEO, Tubamiurm Productions (Maryland)
Dr. Panayiotis Baltatzis, Hellenic Society Paedeia (Parkville, MD)
Roseanne Barr, Comedienne and former Presidential candidate, Peace and Freedom Party (Hawaii)
Nathaniel Batchelder, Director, Oklahoma City Peace House (Oklahoma City, OK)
Roland L. Beanum, Economic Adviser to Papua New Guinea (Valley Center, California)
Rev. Alonzo Bell, Pastor, Martin Evans Missionary Baptist Church (Detroit, MI)
Edith Bell, Coordinator, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Pittsburgh, PA)
Robert Beltran, Actor, Director (Los Angeles, CA)
James Benham, State President, Indiana National Farmers Union (Versailles, IN)
Prof. Cyrus Bina, Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota (Morris, MN)
George Bioletto, International Association of Machinist Trustee (Long Beach, CA)
Lili Bita, Writer, Hellenic News of America, Poet, Actress, Dramatist (Bala Cynwyd, PA)
Kofi A. Boateng, PhD, African Federation Inc. (Ossing, NY)
Charles H. Borowsky, M.D., President and Founder, Intermuse (Baltimore, MD)
Roger Boyer, Stanford Linear Accelerator (retired) (Menlo Park, CA)
Amelia Boynton-Robinson, Civil Rights Movement leader (Tuskegee, Alabama)
Elena Branson, President, Russian Center NY (New York, NY)
Mark Bush, CEO SouthOil (Houston, TX)
Douglas Caddy, attorney (Houston, TX)
Monica Calzolari, Director, Enrollment Communications, University of Massachusetts Boston (Boston, MA)
Charles E. Campbell, founder and CEO, Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (Columbus, OH)
Gerald Caprio, Director, Ahimsa Berkeley (Mill Valley, CA)
Dimitri Carapanos, (Emeryville, CA)
Bernard Casey, Former President of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (2014) (San Jose, CA)
Frank Cattone, Secretary, Monmouth County, N.J. Constitution Party (New Jersey, USA)
Howard Chang, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (ret) San Diego State University (CA)
Victor Chang, Retired Professor University of Southern California, Director, Institute of Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, CA)
Bishop Juan Carlos, Pastor, President, CEO, Centro Cristiano Bet-El (South Gate, CA)
Nicholas Chingas, Greek-American Student Association, Saint Joseph University (Philadelphia, PA)
Rep. Donna Christensen, former Delegate of the U.S. Virgin Islands to Congress 1997-2014 (U.S. Virgin Islands)
Andreas Christou, Supreme Vice-President, Sons of Periclese (Schenectady, NY)
Dr. Luis G. Collazo, Minister, former head of the Puerto Rico chapter of the Jubilee Network USA (Puerto Rico)
Wang Chung Ping, President, Institute Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, CA)
Mario J. Civera, Jr., Chairman, Delaware County Council (Media, PA)
Albert Clark, San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (New York, NY)
Ramsey Clark, United States Attorney General 1967-69 (San Diego, CA)
Jaime Contreras, Las Vegas Chapter Coordinator, Labor Council For Latin American Advancement
Hal Cooper, Engineer, Seattle Freight Transportation Division Advisory Board (Seattle, WA)
Raymond Cordova, Chair, Central Labor Council (Garden Grove, California)
Professor Mark Crispin, Author, Professor of Media Studies, New York University (New York, NY)
Brian Crowell, Shop Steward (fmr) American Federation of Teachers Local 1078 (Berkley, CA)
Dr. Fred Dallmayr, Co-Chair, World Public Forum—Dialogue of Civilizations (South Bend, IN)
Fr. Richard F. Davidson, FSGG (Franciscan Servants of God's Grace) (New Jersey, USA)
Dr. Bill Deagle, Genesis Communication Network, Host, Nutri-Medical Report (California)
Stephen P. DeGot, Ecoban Securities Corp. (New York, NY)
Atul Deshmane, CEO/President, Whole Energy Corporation (Seattle, Washington)
T. Herbert Dimmock, Founder and Music Director of the Bach Concert Series (Baltimore, MD)
Judge Jim Dimos, Former Speaker of the Louisiana State House of Representatives, Retired (Monroe, LA)
Dorceal Duckens, Ebony Opera Guild (Houston, TX)
Charlton Dunn, Senior Engineer (retired) Rocketdyne and Atomics International (Paso Robles, CA)
Lt. Col. Stanley Dzierzeski, USAR, ret., Director, Polish American Congress, Eastern Massachusetts (Belmont, MA)
Edwin Edwards, former Governor of Louisiana (Louisiana)
E. Leopold Edwards, retired faculty Howard University (Washington, DC)
Dr. T.M. Fasy, Muslim Peacemaker Teams (New York, NY)
James H. Fetzer, PhD, McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota (Duluth, Minn.)
Chris Fogarty, Columnist. Chair of Chicago Friends of Irish Freedom, Author of www.irishholocaust.org and "Ireland 1845-1850; the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect'" (Chicago, IL)
James Fox, President, American Fertilizer Trade, LLC (Great Neck, NY)
Fran Foulkrod, Vice-Chair, Philadelphia Chapter, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Philadelphia, PA)
Jimmie Franklin, V.P. Summerdale Community Organization (Memphis, TN)
Congressman Cornelius Gallagher, U.S. Congressman 1959-1973 (New Jersey)
Habib Ghanim, Sr., President, D.C. Halal Chamber of Commerce. (Silver Spring, MD)
Donald Gibson, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, author (Greensburg, PA)
Henry C. Gonzalez, Mayor of South Gate, California, Founder and Former President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (South Gate, CA)
Senator Mike Gravel, Former U.S. Senator from Alaska 1969-1981 (Burlingame, CA)
Lisa Gray, Chair, North American Chinese Coalition (NACC) (Michigan, USA)
Melvin Grimes, President and Founder, A Fresh Drink of Water (Los Angeles, CA)
Dennis W. Grubb, Director, Investia, Ltd. Development, Finance Expert (Washington, DC)
Nitin Gujaran, President, Association for India's Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
Sami Hadgis, Dean, School of Hospitality Management, Widener University (Chester, PA)
Don Hank, Editor-in-Chief, Laigle's Forum (USA)
David Hartsough, Peaceworkers (San Francisco, CA)
Cathy M. Helgason, MD, Professor of Neurology (retired) University of Illinois College of Medicine (Chicago, Illinois)
George C. Hillman, MBA, american entrepreneur (Boston, Massachusetts)
Samuel Hoff, Liberian Community Activist (Torrance, CA)
Art Hoffman, Member, Orange County Democratic Committee (Santa Ana, California)
Jim Hogue, host, WGDR radio (Plainfield, Vermont)
Lok Home, president, Robbins Co. (Solon, Ohio)
Eliane Van Horn, Corona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Yucaipa, California)
Thomas Hoverston, Former Columbia County Republican Party Chairman (Lodi, Wisconsin)
Prof. James C. Hsiung, Professor of Politics and International Law, New York University (New York, NY)
Hunter Huang, president, National Association for China's Peaceful Unification (Washington, DC)
Fred Huenefeld, member, Louisiana State Democratic Party Central Committee (Monroe, LA)
Anna Ikeda, Board member, Metta Center for Non Violence (Harrison, NJ)
Rep. Thomas Jackson, State Representative, Alabama (Alabama)
Ralph Johnson, nuclear engineer (Seattle, WA)
Rep. Constance Johnson, Oklahoma State Senator (ret.) District 48 (Oklahoma)
Cynthia Johnson, Co-founder, Brownie Mary Democrats (Bakersfield, California)
Sam Kahl, District Leader, Democratic Party of Multnomah County Oregon (Portland, OR)
Pauline Kathopoulis, Vice-President, Hellenic Student Association, Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA)
Eleni Kalstidou, Hellenic Student Association, Saint Joseph University (Philadelphia, PA)
Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace National Board of Directors (St. Louis, Missouri)
Lateef Kareem-Bey, God's Army for the Advancement of All People (Americus, GA)
Fred Kaviani, surface transportation systems sales manager, Monogram Systems (Los Angeles, CA)
Petros Karamanidis, Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
Konstantinos Kavaris, Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Drexel Hill, PA)
Paul Kotrotsios, President, Hellenic American National Council, Publisher, Hellenic News of America (Broomall, PA)
Vasilios Keisoglou, Epirotes Society of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
Sang Joo Kim, Founder and Director, Institute for Korean-American Studies (Washington, D.C.)
Frank Kloucek, Former State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
Keerthana Krishnan, Executive Director, Association for India's Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
Father Labib Korbi, Former Priest of St. Thomas More Church, Founder of Al-Bushra website (San Francisco, California)
George Krasnow, President, Russian-American Goodwill Association
John J. Lampl, North Dakota AFL-CIO Region 8 Vice President (former) (Dickenson, ND)
Kevin Lynn, Director, Center for Progressive Urban Politics (Los Angeles, CA)
Dr. Ernest L. Johnson, President, NAACP Louisiana State Conference (Baton Rouge, LA)
Peter Lago, Chief Operating Officer, LionsGate Corporation (San Francisco, CA)
Bernard Lafayette, Jr. Chairman of Board Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (Tuskegee, AL)[/tiem]
Beth K. Lamont, NGO Representative to the United Nations for the American Humanist Association (New York, NY)
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Economist, Statesman, former Presidential candidate (Round Hill, VA)
Eric Larsen, author, The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking (New York, NY)
Stephen Lendman, Author and Radio Host (Chicago, Illinois)
LaMar Lemmons III, Detroit Board of Education; former member Michigan House of Reps. (Detroit, MI)
Anges Lin, Senior Research Scientist in Education and Information Studies (Los Angeles, California)
Dr. Edward Lozansky, PhD, President & Founder, American University in Moscow; Founder, World Russia Forum (Washington, DC)
Harold L. Madison, Community Organizer and Community Diplomat (Baltimore, MD)
Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist; Publisher and Editor, The Wayne Madsen Report
Clyde Magarelli, Former Director of War Studies, William Paterson College, Author, Professor of Sociology (USA)
Vance McAllister, Former U.S. Representative 2013-14 (Monroe, LA)
Heliatrice Marques, Founder and President of BRICS Working Group, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, NY)
Eli Mellor, Writer, Activist, Founder, The Time is Now Institute, "anti-corporate activist, provocateur and self-styled seer of 30 years of public and foreign policy disasters" (Claremont, CA)
Joaquin Meneses, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (Los Angeles, CA)
Kyriakoula Micha, International Speaker, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Philadelphia, PA)
Theo Mitchell, Esq., Former State Senator (Greenville, SC)
Constantinos Mitoulis, Pan Macedonian Society of Philadelphia (West Chester, PA)
Jeff Monroe, State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
Pastor Joseph Moussa, Pastor for Arabic Christian Churches in Maryland and Pennsylvania (York, PA)
Somnath Mukherji, Volunteer, Association for India's Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
Rep. Mike Manypenny, Member, West Virginia House of Delegates (West Virginia)
Marie Martin, Stop Mass Incarceration (Inglewood, CA)
Thomas Grolund Miner, Chairman and CEO of Thomas H. Miner Associates, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois)
Saket Mishra, Volunteer, Association for India's Development, MIT (Boston, Massachusetts)
Anthony Morss, Music Director & Principal Conductor of the New Jersey Association of Verismo Opera, Inc. (New York, NY)
Joseph Moussa, Pastor for Arabic Christian Churches in Rockville, Md., York, Pa., Harrisburg, Pa. (York, PA)
Dr. Michael Nagler, Professor Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature, University of California Berkeley; Founder, Peace and Conflict Studies Program, U.C. Berkeley; Founder and President, Metta Center for Nonviolence (Tomales, CA)
Robert Newton, former Vice President Communications Workers of America Local 2252 (Oakton, VA)
Georgios Nitsolas, Corthion Andros Society (Mount Laurel, NJ)
Victor H. Ortiz, Justicia Social Para Los Immigrantes (Los Angeles, CA)
Konstantine Ouranitsas, President, National Hellenic Student Association of North America (Philadelphia, PA)
Perry Owens, National Beef Board (Minneapolis, Kansas)
Bob Pantelous, Corthion Andros Society (Cherry Hill, NJ)
Rev. Michael L. Pastrikos, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (Baltimore, MD)
Alexandre Perrinelle, Russian Community Activist (West Hollywood, CA)
Larry Pinkney, Black Activist Writers Guild (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Don Pondysh, North County N.Y. Veterans for Peace (Nichoville, NY)
Nomi Prins, Author All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power (Los Angeles, CA)
Elisha B. Pulivarti, Vice-President, Maryland India Business Roundtable, Inc. (College Park, MD)
Ganga P. Ramdas, PhD, MA, MS, Professor of Economics, Lincoln University (Philadelphia, PA)
Earl D. Rasmussen, P.E., Executive Vice President Eurasia Center, Lt. Colonel (ret) U.S.Army (Falls Church, VA)
Alya Rea, Freelance Writer, Contributing Author, Cyrano’s Journal Today, Uncommon Thought Journal (Olympia, WA)
James Reed, National Action Network Michigan State Representative (Inkster, Michigan)
Phillip Restino, VFP 136, chapter co-chair, Central Florida, Vets for Peace (Daytona, Florida)
Geroge E. Riser, Justice of the Peace, Harris County, TX Precinct 2 (Pasadena, TX)
Priscilla Roche, Nevada State Director, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) (Las Vegas, NV)
Kesha Rogers, Democratic Nominee for Congress TX-22 (2010, 2012), former candidate for US Senate (Texas)
Natalie Sabelnik, Russian-American community leader (San Francisco, California)
Prof. Christine Salboudis, Philo4Thought Inc. Hellenic Mentoring (New York, NY)
Ranjani Saigal, Executive Director, Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of the USA (Burlington, MA)
Dr. Jose I. Sangerman, PhD, Biologics Researcher (Boston, Massachusetts)
Henry J. Santos, Professor Emeritus, Bridgewater State University (Bridgewater, Massachusetts)
Keith L. Shaffer, former President IAM local 1784 (Baltimore, Maryland)
Prashant Shah, Publisher, India Tribune (Chicago, Illinois)
Vaithilingam Shanmuganathan, National Committee Member, Liberal Party of Sri Lanka; Secretary General, Liberal Democratic Workers Union of Sri Lanka; Former Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Azusa, California)
Trilochan Singh, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan)
Dr. Kenneth Smith, Delegate to the California State Republican Convention, 2013, 2014 (Sunnyvale, CA)
Nick Spiliotis, Vice-President, Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Feasterville Trevose, PA)
Rick Staggenborg, Founder, Soldiers for Peace International, Host of Take Back America (Coos Bay, OR)
Randy Sowers, owner, South Mountain Creamery (Middletown, Maryland)
Sean Stone, Filmmaker (New York, NY)
Johannes Strohschank, Author, Member Board of Directors, Friends of Max Kade Society, Professor of German Studies, University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI)
Baifeng Sun, Director, The Confucius Institute, UMASS Boston (Massachusetts)
Rep. Rosemarie Swanger, retired Pennsylvania State Representative. (Pennsylvania)
Harold Taylor, Former Black Panther Party member, ex-Defendant in the San Francisco Eight Trial (Panama City, FL)
Dr. John Telford, Superintendent (retired) Detroit Public Schools (Detroit, Michigan)
Michele Thomas, Photographer and Constitutional Activist (Los Angeles, CA)
Fr. Peter J. Thornburg,St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church (Jeffersonville, PA)
Jimal Thrower, Special Representative AFSCME Local 865 (Los Angeles, CA)
Igor Trofimov, Vice-President, Russian-American Chamber of Commers (New York, NY)
Magalis Troncoso, Director and Founder of the Dominican Development Center (Boston, MA)
Rev. Benny L. Tucker, City Council (Selma, AL)
Sean Turnbull, SGT Report (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Eric Tymoigne, Assistant Professor of Economics, Lewis and Clark College (Portland, Oregon)
Judith Van Dyke, United Association of Entrepreneurs (New York)
Bob Van Hee, Alderman, Former City Council President (Redwood Falls, Minn.)
Anil Verma, President, Anil Verma Associates, Inc. (Los Angeles, California)
Phil Vogis, Supreme Commander Region 3, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (Wyckoff, NJ)
Pat Wadsworth, former Chair and current Secretary, Grays Harbor Democrats (Grays Harbor, WA)
Vince Weldon, retired aerospace engineer, designer of components for Apollo and Space Shuttle missions (Seattle, WA)
Dr. Cornel West, Author, Activist, Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice: Union Theological Seminary; Professor Emeritus: Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
Fred Wimberley, Member of the Bargaining Committee, Service Employees International Union Local 721 (Los Angeles, CA)
Captain James H. Whitley, Jr., Battalion Fire Chief, Washington, D.C. Fire Department (Mitchellville, MD)
Lynn Yen, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture (New York, NY)
Lowell Young, Treasurer, Mariposa County Democratic Central Committee (Mariposa, CA)
Prof. Robert Zaller, Distinguished Professor of History, Drexel University (Bala Cynwyd, PA)
Weijun Zhao, Director, Office of China Programs, Michigan State University (Detroit, Michigan)
Apostolos C. Ziogas, Hellenic Federation of Philadelphia (Bala Cynwyd, PA)
Maria Ziogas, Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Bala Cynwyd, PA)
Julio C. González, former Secretary of State of the Argentine Republic; University Professor (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Carlos Alberto Baltazar Perez Galindo, Attorney (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Wilhelm Augustat, President, International Society “Peace Through Culture” (Linz, Austria)
Prof. Dr. H.C. Peter Bachmeier, Austria-Belarus Society (Vienna, Austria)
Prof. Reinhard Kleinknecht, Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
Prof. Dr. Hans Koechler, President, International Progress Organization (Vienna, Austria)
Eva Pfisterer, Magazine Journalist, Formerly with the Osterriech Rundfunk ORF (Vienna, Austria)
Michael Machura, Counsellor and Engineer, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsrat (Austria)
Dr. Harold Raffay, (Vienna, Austria)
Professor Karl Socher, Professor Emeritus University of Innsbruck, Institute for Economic Theory, Political Economy (Innsbruck, Austria)
David Comissiong, President, Clement Payne Movement; Former Senator, Government of Barbados; Former Director, Commission for Pan-African Affairs, Government of Barbados (Barbados)
Koen Van Dessel, Editor, SouthFront Dutch (Antwerp, Belgium)
Lode Vanoost, Former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliament, 1999-2003 (Sint-Genesius-Rode, Brussels, Belgium)
Jean Verstappen Veteran of the Belgian Resistance, former Belgian Senator. 1965-68 (Nivelles, Belgium)
Valko Petrov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Yuri Avdiev Russian Multicultural Society of British Columbia (Vancouver, B.C., Canada)
Rodrigo Menezes, Technical Manager and Regulatory Affairs, Eutelsat (Rio de Janerio, Brazil)
María Luz Navarrete Alarcón, Vice President for Social Security of Aquí la Gente Citizens Movement (Santiago, Chile)
David Gontar, Adjunct Professor of English and Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University (China)
Jhon Jairo Jaramillo, Liberal Arts Professor, University of el Valle (Colombia)
Carlos Julio Diaz Lotero, General Director, National Trade Union School, Unified Workers Federation (CUT) (Medellin, Colombia)
Pedro Pablo Escobar Morales, President, Unified Education Workers Trade Union (SUTEV), (Buga, Colombia)
Hugo Andersen, Director, Taarnby Karroserifabrik (Taamby, Denmark)
John Scales Avery, Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Copenhagen; Chairman of The Danish Peace Academy; Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Denmark)
Anika Telmányi Lylloff, Classical Violinist (Denmark)
Mohammed Mafoud, Head of Danish-Syrian Union (Denmark)
Thomas Grønlund Nielsen, Physics Lecturer, Herlufsholm Skole (Denmark)
Jens Jorgen Nielsen, Lecturer, Niels Brock Business School (Denmark)
Ole Skjold, former director, Ole Skjold ApS (Frederikssund, Denmark)
Erling Svendsen, Former President, Danish Wheat Growers Association (Hvalso, Denmark)
Ole Valentin-Hjorth, Economist (Denmark)
Ramon Emilio Concepcion, Attorney (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
Alexis Ponce, Defender of Human Rights (Ecuador)
Jorge Washington Núñez Sánchez, Former President of the Association of Latin American Historians (Quito, Ecuador)
Peter Liskola, Former Diplomat and Member of the Council of Europe, International Law Expert (Finland)
Georges Beriachvili, Classical Pianist (Paris, France)
Jean-Paul Brignoli, Mayor of Ormey (Ormey, France)
Jacques Cheminade, President, Solidarité et Progrès (Paris, France)
Gérard Coinchelin, Deputy Mayor (Denipaire, France)
Col. (ret) Alain Corvez, Counsellor for International Strategy, former advisor to the General-in-Command of UNIFIL (France)
Claude Champaud, Honorary President of the Rennes University, President of the Scientific Council of the foundation for Research on the Corporate Doctrine (Rennes, France)
Marc Chautemps, Mayor of Gemeaux (Gemeaux, France)
Pierre Eboundit, President of the Panafrican Leauge—Umoja (Reims, France)
Evard Garnier, Mayor (Mijoux, France)
Alain Giletti, Former Champion Figure Skater (Tours, France)
Michele Guerin, Economist, Consultant (Paris, France)
Deva Koumarane, poet, teacher Indian Studies (Rambouillet, France)
Jean-Yves Lapeyrere, Mayor (Lorignac, France)
Jean-Pierre Luminet, Author, Astrophysicist Laboratory of Physical Sciences of Marseille (France)
Eugene Perez, Mayor of Chamouilley (Chamouilley, France)
Catherine Plantevin, Archeologue, INRAP (Lyon, France)
Ali Rastbeen, President Geopolitical Academy Of Paris (Paris, France)
Dr. Louis Reymondon, Honorary Surgeon of French Hospitals; President of VietAmitié (France)
Jean-Jacques Seymour, Radio Journalist (Paris, France)
Bernard Sutter, Mayor of Sternenberg (Sternenberg, France)
Bassam Tahhan, Franco-Syrian Professor of Geostrategy, Ecole Nationale supérieure des Techniques Avancées (Paris, France)
Frithjof Banisch, Career Military Officer (retired) (Baruth/Mark, Germany)
Dr. Johannes Maria Becker, Privatdozent Phillips University, Center for Conflict Studies (Marburg, Germany)
Ruhild Boehm, Author (Tuebingen, Germany)
Niccolai Dolmetsch, District Chapter Chairman Left Party (Stuttgart, Germany)
Wolfgang Effenberger, Publicist (Rosenheim, Germany)
Hans-Juergen Ehlers, Retired State's Attorney (Bavaria, Germany)
Anatol Graf, Federal Council for the Integration of Germans from Russia (Berlin, Germany)
Dr. Josef Gruber, Professor Emeritus (Hagen, Germany)
Brunhilde Hanke, Former Mayor of Potsdam Germany 1961-1984 (Potsdam, Germany)
Uwe Heimrich, Mayor (Thueringen, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hennig, Physicist (Prina, Germany)
Martin Hoffman, Lawyer, German India Round Table (Leipzig, Germany)
Prof. Helmut Keutner, Beuth Hochschule fuer Technik (Berlin, Germany)
Erika Herbrig, Former Director of the Historical Memorial Site of the Potsdam Agreements (Cecilienhof, Germany)
Dipl.-Ing. Enayetullah Ishaqzay, Economist (Goettingen, Germany)
Dr. Ing. Eberhard Langer, Former Mayor of Chemnitz (Chemnitz , Germany)
Gerhard Matthes, Naval Officer (retired) (Strausberg , Germany)
Gerd Medger, Board Member, Brazilian-German Association for Business and Science (Dresden, Germany)
Ekaterina Medvedeva-Schwerbock, Actress (Berlin, Germany)
Alena Petrova, General Director, Art Assemblee Agency, GmbH (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
Dr. Albrecht Poth, Scientific Director (Rossdorf, Germany)
Ronald Regolien, Journalist (Ravensberg, Germany)
Dorothea Schleifenbaum, County Councilwoman Siegen-Wittgenstein (Siegen, Germany)
Dr. Kurt Schumann, Embassy Counselor, a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
H. C. von Sponeck, Former U.N. Assistant Secretary General (Germany)
Dr. Hermann Schwiesau, Ambassador a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
Dr. Gallus Strobel, Mayor, Triberg Germany (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
Dmitris Tzamouranis, Greek visual artist (Berlin, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Carl-Otto Weiss, Research Director at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Braunschweig, Germany)
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, Schiller Institute (Wiesbaden, Germany)
Michael Plum, Project Manager and Former Chairman of the Left Party Landau (Landau, Germany)
Philipp Windemuth, J.D. Company Dentons Europe LLP (Berlin, Germany)
Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador (ret), Member of the Political Secretariat of United People's Front (Greece)
Panos Kammenos, President of the Independent Greeks, Member of the Hellenic Parliament (Athens, Greece)
Lefteris Karayannis, Ret. Ambassador, Diplomatic advisor to Panos Kammenos (Athens, Greece)
Theodore Katsanevas, Chairman of the Drachma 5 Party (Athens, Greece)
General (ret) Konstantinos Konstantinides, one of the founders of Generals Against Nuclear War (Greece)
Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis, Chairman, 6th International Tsunami Symposium; President Tsunami Society International (Greece)
Philippos Tsalides, Professor of Electronics, Democritus University of Thrace, President of the Institute of Geopolitical Studies “National Regeneration” (Xanthi, Greece)
Dr. George Tsobanoglou, Vice President, International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Sociotechnics & Sociological Practice (Greece)
Raúl Aníbal Marroquín Casasola, former Secretario General del Sindicato de Trabajadores del INDE-STINDE (Guatemala)
Jacques Bacamurwanko, Former Ambassador of Burundi to the United States, (Conakry, Guinea)
Yufang Guo, Chairman, Jomec International (Rotterdam, Holland)
Shalini Pradhan, DDS, A/8 Model Town Housing Scheme (Mumbai, India)
Dr. Vinod Saighal, Executive Director, Eco Monitors Society (New Delhi, India)
Arun Shrivastava, author (New Dehli, India)
Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Research Scholar, Program Science and Global Security Princeton University, Former Iranian Ambassador to Germany, Former Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran's National Security Council (Iran)
Sami Rasouli, Founder, Muslim Peacemakers Team (Naajaf, Iraq)
Eugene Douglas, Editor, LaRouche Irish Brigade (Armagh, Ireland)
Antonella Banaudi, Opera Singer (Sanremo, Italy)
Luca Bertoni, Secretary, Lomardi-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
Senator Stefano Candiani, Member of the Italian Senate (Rome, Italy)
Gabriele Chiurli, Member, Tuscany Regional Council (Arezzo, Italy)
Prof. Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, University of Salento (Lecce, Italy)
Gianmatteo Ferrari, Vice-President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
Pietro Foroni, Member of the Regional Council in the Lombardy Region (Milan, Italy)
Nino Galloni, Economist (Rome, Italy)
Alfonso Gianni, Director of the Cercare Ancora Foundation (Rome, Italy)
Pietro Giubilo, Former Mayor, Rome (Rome, Italy)
Tiberio Graziani, President, Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
Paolo Grimoldi, Member of the Italian Parliament, Founder of the Parliamentary group, “Friends of Putin” (Carugate, Italy)
Giacomo Guarini, Administrative Director, Institute for High Studies of Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
Armando Manocchia, Journalist, Editor in Chief Imola Oggi.it (Imola, Italy)
Prof. Giulio Sapelli, Economist, University of Milan (Milan, Italy)
Gianluca Savoini, President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
Enzo Siviero, Member of the Italian National Council of Universities (Padua, Italy)
Valentina Iorio Tomasetti, City Councilwoman (Galliate Lombardo, Italy)
Marcello Vichi, Author, Transaqua, an Idea for the Sahel, Former Director Foreign Department, Bonifica Engineering Company, IRI Group (Rome, Italy)
Daisuke Kotegawa, Former Japanese Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (Tokyo, Japan)
Yim Sungbin, Former Secretary to the President of the Republic of Korea for Climate and Environment (Republic of Korea)
Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)
Manuel Ignacio Espinoza Gonzalez, Primary School Teacher, former Municipal President, PRD (Ures, Sonora, Mexico)
Luis Benito Acosta Jiménez, Agronomist, Director General, Agronomy Federation of Mexico City (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
Carlos Arellano Palma, Architectural engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
Esteban Palma Bautista, Civil engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
Gaston Pardo-Pérez, journalist, Reseau Voltaire (Veracruz, Mexico)
Jesus E. Ramirez Diaz, Secretary General, Mexican National Federation of Organized Trade Unions FENASO (Mexico)
Martínez Rojas, Andrés Eloy, Federal Congressman, Mexico, MORENA party, Secretary of the Science and Technology Committee in the Chamber of Deputies (Mexico)
Rosa Elia Romero Guzmán, Mexican Federal Congresswoman (Oaxaca, Mexico)
Casimiro Navarro Valenzuela, Industrial Engineer, Former Municipal President, PAN (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
Jose Modesto Torres Valerio, Secretary General of the University of Sonora Workers and Employees Union (SETUS) (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
José Francisco Rosales Argüello, Vice President of Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean, Justice Nicaragua Supreme Court (Nicaragua)
lloegbunam Ngoesina, General Organizer of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) (State of Anambra, Nigeria)
Mario Rognoni, Journalist, Businessman, Engineer (Panama City, Panama)
Julio A. Mendoza, architect, President of the Chamber of Housing and Infrastructure of Paraguay (Paraguay)
Teresa Nowak, Chairman of the Board at The Institute for Intercultural Communication and Interdisciplinary Studies SILK ROAD (Poland)
Dr. Jacek Nowak, Executive Director at The Institute for Intercultural Communication and Interdisciplinary Studies SILK ROAD (Poland)
Sergei Cherkasov, Deputy Director for Research, State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Markiyan S. Chubey, Senior Scientist, Pulkovo Main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Guzel A. Danukalova, Institute of Geology, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russia)
Roman Krivonos, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Victor Kuzin, Head of Moscow Bureau for the Defense of Human Rights without Borders (Moscow, Russia)
Olga Mekhtieva, Teacher of English Literature (Moscow, Russia)
Stanislav N. Nekrasov, professor; Chairman, International Legal and Futurological Information Agency (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Alexander D. Petrushin, Institute for Demography, Migration, and Regional Development (Moscow, Russia)
Sergey Pulinets, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Felix M. Royzenman, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Prof. Marietta Stepanyants, UNESCO Chair for Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures, Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia)
Sergei V. Zaitsev, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka, Russia)
Naeem Shakir, Supreme Court Attorney of Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan)
Olga Zinovieva, Co-Chairman Rossiya Segodnya Ziniviev Club (Moscow, Russia)
John Bosnitch, International Journalist, Political Activist (Belgrade, Serbia)
Prof. Dr. Ana Langovic Milicevic, Faculty of Art and Design, Megatrends University (Belgrade, Serbia)
Father Themi Adamopoulous, Greek Orthodox Priest (Sierra Leone)
Jan Cernogursky, former dissident of Czechoslovakia, former Justice Minister, Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
Javier Otazu Ojer, Economics Professor, UNED in Pamplona (Pamplona, Spain)
Fructuoso Rodríguez Morales, retired transport union leader (Las Cannarias, Spain)
Sebastian Martin, Director, Noticanarias.com (Puerto del Rosario, Islas Canarias, Spain)
Fahrie Hassan, The Film Club (Cape Town, South Africa)
Greger Ahlberg, architect (Stockholm, Sweden)
Leena Malkki-Guignard, producer and opera singer, Operafabriken (Malmo, Sweden)
Daniel Mena, Member, City Council (Helsingborg, Sweden)
Professor Heinrich Bortis, Professor of Political Economy, University of Freiberg (Freiberg, Switzerland)
Tomader Gohar, Citizens for Peace Building (Geneva, Switzerland)
Alfonso Tuor, Journalist, Economist, (Lugano, Switzerland)
Dr, Gerd Joseph Weisensee, Delegate of the Board of Directors Pro-Life Association (Bern, Switzerland)
Dominique von Burg, Art Historian and Art Critic (Zurich, Switzerland)
Mustafa Acar, Professor, Dr. Rector, Aksaray University (Aksaray, Turkey)
Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross, Mother Superior at the Monastery and Convent of St. James the Mutilated (Qara, Syria)
Vladimir R. Marchenko, Confederation of Labor of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Natalia M. Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics; Chairman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Dr. Jonathan Cartmel, Professor, Glyndwr University (Wrexham, United Kingdom)
Nicholas Cobb, Managing Director and Founder Cobb Energy Communications, Chairman of the Westminster Russia Forum (London, United Kingdom)
Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher, Labour Member of the House of Commons, Former Cabinet Minister and National Executive Member of the Labour Party (Oldham, United Kingdom)
Robert Oulds, Director of the Bruges Group (Conservative Party), Local government councilor for the London borough of Hounslow Author and Military Historian (London, United Kingdom)
Mike Robinson, Editor, UK Column (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
Professor Prem Sikka, Essex Business School at University of Essex Professor of Accounting and Economist (Colchester, United Kingdom)
Paul Webb, Screenwriter, Academy Award-nominated films Selma and Lincoln (London, United Kingdom)
Dr. Daya Thussu, Co-Director, India Media Center, University of Westminster (United Kingdom)
Roman Rojas Cabot, Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the European Union and to Guyana (Caracas, Venezuela)
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